Brother Says Chasten Buttigieg Is Smearing Their Family as Anti-Gay

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg with his husband Chasten Buttigieg in South Bend, Indiana,
Joshua Lott/AFP/Getty

The brother of Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s husband, Chasten, revealed Thursday that he is a supporter of President Donald Trump and accused his brother of lying about his family.

Rhyan Glezman, a Christian pastor, disputed his brother’s account of why he left the house and denied that anyone in the family was a bigot.

“A mayor from a small city and his husband, a child who grew up with nothing and his parents kicked him out … it makes a perfect political story for the campaign,” he said in an interview with the Washington Examiner in response to the glowing Washington Post story about Chasten. “To me, that’s very sad. If that’s all you have to stand on, you’re not fit to be president of the United States.”

The family was not poor, Glezman said, Chasten was not kicked out of the house, he had his cell phone and car insurance paid for, the family was not bigoted, he previously hosted Chasten’s boyfriends at his home, and he went to a baseball game with Chasten and Pete Buttigieg.

Glezman said he voted for Trump in 2016 and would not likely vote for his brother’s husband in 2020.

“When you want to rewrite the Electoral College, when you want to change the makeup of the Supreme Court, when you want to have open borders and not have any process there, his extreme view on abortion … those are things that are very important to me,” he said.


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